Thursday, March 5
Yesterday was the last day that Jim had help with the build. James and Perry finished off sheathing the sun room roof and closing in it's south-facing wall. One of the Leduc County building inspectors was out to check our progress and, as soon as Jim has the stairs finished, he will process the paperwork for the successful completion of this phase of our build. Our next inspection will happen after the electrical, plumbing, heating ducts, insulation and vapour barrier are completed.
Meanwhile, inside the house things were getting pretty damp. The day before we only reached a high of -12C but on Wednesday it went up to +4C and the snow on the roof, and some that had blown in, melted and formed pools inside. The kitchen (pictured here) had one of the most serious pools. However, as today a raging blizzard was blowing, preventing us from getting out to the cow pasture, and the temperature hovered back down around the -12C range those pools will have frozen into skating rinks. Yes, it will all melt eventually and I will be able to mop it up. At least I don't have to shovel the house out any more.