Here it is September 15 and the weather is unseasonably warm. We are about +27C today and will be even warmer tomorrow and for the rest of the week. Most of last week and on the weekend we were skating in and around the +30C mark, which is about 10 degrees warmer than it should be. Maybe Jim is right as he believes that the seasons are one month late in arriving. Harvest is either finished or well under way for those farmers that didn't plow their crops under and the leaves have started to turn colour on the trees so fall seems to be edging its way in.
The west side of the house is now all sided with Jim now working on the soffit and fascia before he removes the scaffold. Ian came to help again over the weekend and the garage wiring, furnace hook-up, and some more sheathing over the styrofoam basement walls was completed. We can't thank our children enough for all their help. This is Mom and Dads project and they come to help us with it minus complaints. I'm sure they have both thought that the old folks might be getting just a little loose in the upper stories and maybe it's pity that drives them. Regardless, hugs and kisses, boys. We also have a neighbour who deserves "thanks" as he came over with his skid steer and leveled off the dirt in the garage. We're now ready for gravel to go down or the scaffold to go up depending on which Jim wants to do first, board the garage or get the floor ready for winter. We cannot move into the house until the garage is drywalled and taped...drat that building code.

Yesterday was another banner day as satellite TV was installed. We have managed for 2 1/2 months with no TV and it was getting very old. For those of you who feel that we missed nothing as there isn't anything worth watching anyway...remember, you had TV all that time. Mostly we missed the news and the weather channel...BUT...Desperate Housewives was about to begin another season and yours truly wasn't about to be left out of the loop!!