Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hell Had Better Hold Off Freezing Over ...

...until Kathleen's car can get into the garage!

Prairie sunrises and sunsets can be spectacular.
Sunrise, at this time of year, is at 8:30 AM and
sunset is at 4:30 PM...short days.

As stated before we have completed the garage door installation.

Our neighbor Stan Freisen brought over his bobcat and moved the sand from outside the garage in...sure is nice to have the floor closer to its final level. The next step is to rent a plate packer which will firm the floor up for the winter. We turned the stairs so that you come up on the other side which gives us more room for cars. Once the sand packing is done, Kathleen should be able to bring her car in out of the cold. She had to scrape windows yesterday...she was not happy.

I have continued putting down hardwood floor and have just completed the livingroom and master bedroom areas, next is up the stairs. It will take a little to do that, as I have to trim all the treads back so the the hardwood nosing fits properly.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One More Step Closer To Being Ready For Winter

Took these pictures the day before yesterday. We now have both of the doors installed on the garage. Soon we will be enclosed for the winter.

We'll wait to do the weather strip installation around the doors for a couple of weeks, that is until we get the eavestrough installed. We hope to get the installer to cap the sides of the openings with white aluminum cladding first and then I will install the weather strips around the doors.

Once the pile of sand in front of the garage is moved into and spread around on the garage floor there will be a better seal for the door bottoms and we'll be ready for the snow to come.

We have also continued with some flooring and have made it through the livingroom. ..hope to complete the hallway to the back door and then part of the dining room tomorrow.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Soffit, Soffit And More Soffit

The soffit/fascia saga continues. The dormers are all done and that leaves only the east gable end (garage end of the house) for soffit/fascia and both it and the area around the sunroom windows for siding.

Meanwhile, Wes and Iris English came for a visit and Wes and Jim managed to get all but a couple of rows of hardwood down in the second bedroom and continued on with the livingroom. Iris and I supervised from upstairs in the loft as it was too noisy downstairs. Hey...we made lunch...what more do you want?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Progress is occurring

I have been busy since Halloween doing siding and soffit/fascia. I have been lucky enough to have use of my new neighbors Genie man lift. It has allowed me to complete the West and most of the South side. East side is delayed as I am short on siding and window trim. When it comes in I should be done in one day as long as the lift is still available.

When I needed a break, I started the hardwood floors. The front bedroom, hallway and part of the livingroom are now done.

Plan is to do some floor each day, that way my knees don't die trying to do it all at once.