Friday, December 22, 2017

How time flies

Wind Turbine

The shop project has continued with many steps being missed in the blog.
We are now Dec 2017 and the lower level of the shop has received interior walls to hold insulation, poly and drywall on most of it. The electrical has been added and it has its own sub- panel installed, so that if something blows you do not have to head up the outside stairs to remedy it. The plan was to try and have the shop heating system be as efficient as possible. So Jim made some home made thermal solar panels, which feed into an electric hot water heater which is the centre core of the heating system.  The pumps that circulate the hot water around are 12 volt and are fed from a 12 volt deep cycle battery. It receives its charge from 2 - 100 watt PV panels mounted on the shop upper deck. The lower heating element of the hot water heater has been replaced with a 48 volt DC element. Which is wired into the wind turbine.(seen in photo) As we are located on a hill and get some wind in the winter Jim felt it would assist in lowering the heating costs of the shop. It sure has all the neighbors talking, ie is it as space portal?

The ceiling/floor heating pipes was more work than expected had a few labor intense steps. Drilling and adding the pex pipe in the cold of winter, not an easy task. Then adding heat transfer plates to increase transfer of heat in a floor. Then below that a tin foil layer to reflex extra heat back up to the floor. Finishing with a layer of insulation to force the heat up to the upper floor.

Lots of pipes and wiring to control where the heat goes and when.