George finished the driveway this morning.
Kathleen came to warn we of the rain that was on its way. That is her in the car ready for the quick get away. I am writing this from home and watching the rain come down from the computer room window.
Glad we had the landscaping completed when we did. We can now see how well we did in keeping the water away from the house.
Taking tomorrow as a logistics day, have to go see about taps and bathroom fixtures. Then its back to work on Friday, as the sun room windows are to be delivered at 10 am, and all that drywall doesn't go up by itself no matter how much you wish it did. Actually I did part of the second bath today, to see how the 54 inch wide sheets are going to work, answer - just fine. The wider sheet makes for less taping, resulting in only one joint through the centre.
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