The doors are now painted and all but one is reinstalled, final trim work is nearing completion.
(less the closet doors which we have not purchased yet)
We have started the next step which is to go back and cover all the insulation in the rim joist area of the basement with poly. Builder Bob can agree with how much time it takes to cut and seal around floor joists. I should be at it for the rest of the week to complete that task.
The plan is to then move on to crawling around in the crawl space putting in heating ducts. As the weather is beautiful, I am spending as much time as I can this week out doors in the sun shine...I won't see much of it when I'm stuck in the crawl space. Yes, we are basking in the usual mid-winter thaw. Although we know that there is still a lot of winter left, it gives us both the hope that spring will come and a chance to wash all the crud off the cars.
In my spare time, I helped a friend change out a bath tub and a neighbour do some Tyvek on his house. Clearly, Kathleen's whip cracking is in need of some fine tuning to keep me on task.
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