Monday, September 7, 2009

Labourious Labour Day Weekend Part 2

One might normally think of Sunday as pot roast day but not us! No, No... instead it's pot light day. As Ian was cleaning up a bunch of the left over electrical stuff, he managed to install the pot lights at the front of the house, over the garage and at the back of the house. When he wasn't busy doing that he wired the garage. Meanwhile, Coreen and Jim were slogging away at the siding, again. Coreen took over Allan's job of covering the basement styrofoam walls with plywood so that Jim will be able to attach the siding.

Once he's finished with the west side, Jim can now move on to the south side...good luck with the rake wall!! I imagine I'm in for a bit of ladder holding.


  1. The house is looking fantastic. Have you ever had that thought of" What have I started??? " Yet?
    It is almost like a Marathon runner hitting a imaginary wall on the course. But you must prevail and you will.
    Keep up the great work. I just wish I could come out and help. Ellie and I have been extremly busy with getting this new division off the ground and running. It is going fairly well with a few hic ups.

  2. Wow! Am I ever impressed with all the work you've done in the last little while. It is really starting to look like the end is in sight.

    Congrats to all the helpers for lending a hand.
