Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Shortest Day of the Year

Here it is December 21...the winter solstice... the shortest day of the year. Our sunrise was quite spectacular even though it didn't occur until 8:47 AM and the sun will set again at 4:17 PM. With only 7.5 hours of daylight, no wonder we feel depressed. Our daylight hours will gradually increase until we finally reach, approximately, 17.5 hours at the summer solstice.

Given the diminished daylight, my Roma tomato plant is doing quite well out in the sunroom. We will start a new tomato in late February and hope that the existing one keeps producing until the new one can take over.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful picture! Kind of a depressing description of the winter daylight hours but I liked how you reminded us that we are now going towards longer days again! Your house is looking great. Happy New Year guys! Stan & Sandy
